Why customers should buy your productDifferent people buy things for different reasons. The reasons for buying consumer products are not easy to predict because people are spending their own money and weigh the purchase against the purchase of something else. High-technology products usually present another issue, the potential customers may not be familiar with the product or service and what it may do for them. This customer frequently is not the consumer, but someone who buys for business requirements. They are not spending there own money, but it is important that they purchase the right product, frequently their jobs are on the line. These people buy for rational defendable reasons. They often have to explain to their management the reasons for their decisions. What can you do to sell to the corporate customer? Explain your product in a clear concise way that gives the customer enough information to make a purchase decision and defend that decision. Your company can provide this customer with the marketing collateral needed to make that defense. All of your support material should support your basic claims about your product, also called the product position. The product position definition is the most important marketing decision you will make. We bring decades of experience introducing new and innovative products and services to engineers and technical customers. We are engineers familiar with a variety of technologies and are expert at explaining high technology products to the market. Let us help you.